Friday, October 23, 2009

28 Weeks!

So here is the 28 week belly!! I am still feeling pretty good beside the normal complaints! I do feel pretty big lately but Im trying to tell myself that I dont waddle *that* much yet..being that I have atleast 10 weeks left! (I had Layna at 38 Im counting down early!) Layna is getting very excited to be a BIG SISTER and seems to understand that its hard for Mommyto play on the floor with her big belly. Karl has been wonderful..doing a lot of the cooking and getting up to tuck Layna back in if/when she wakes up at night.
One of the kiddos at my school seemed to be very intrigued by my changing body..I often found her staring at me in the hallway. Well..she informed me yesterday that she had figured it out- I was the 'round, puffy version of Mrs. Nelson'. She is in 6th grade- so I took her word for it. She then proceeded to say 'Well...good luck with all that going on in your stomach' The preschoolers think my belly button IS the baby..which is humorous..and the 1st and 2nd graders keep asking me 'does that hurt?' So needless to say..the kids at school keep me laughing when I occasionally feel like crying! Overall I am very blessed to have a healthy and uneventful pregnancy.

1 comment:

Sheila Sanders said...

I love seeing pictures of your baby and belly! I can't wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving. Love, She